The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck by Mark Manson

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summary of The The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck by Mark Manson
 A Counterintuitive Approach To Living a Good Life 

Happiness is a problem

The rich suffers because of their riches the poor suffer because of their poverty.

People without family suffer because they have no family . People with a family suffer because of the family people who pursue worldly suffer because pf their worldly pleasures . People who abstain from pleasures suffer because of their abstention .

Happiness comes from solving problems

Problems never stops ; they merely got exchanged and /or Upgraded

We are what we struggle for

what ever makes us feel good will also inevitably makes us feel bad

Subtlety# To not give a fuck about adversity you must give a fuck about something more important adversity

Emotions are overrated

Much as the hot stove teaches you not to touch the hot stove again , the sadness of being alone teaches you not do the things that made you feel alone again .Emotions are simply biological signals that designed to nudge you in the direction of beneficial change

We should made a habit of questioning our emotions


pleasure is a great but it's the horrible value of prioritize your life around. Ask any drug addict how his persuit of pleasure turned out , ask any adulterer who shattered her family and lost her children whether pleasure ultimately made her happy. Ask a man who almost ate himself to death how pleasure help him to solve his problem.

The problem is a false god. Research shows that people who focus their energy on superficial pleasures end up more anxious, more emotionally unstable, and more depressed. pleasure is the superficial form of life satisfaction and therefore the easiest to obtain and the easiest to lose. 

 Pleasure is not the cause of happiness; rather , it is the effect . If you get the other stuff right (the other values and metrics ) then pleasure will naturally occur as by product .

Material success

Many people measure their self-worth based on how much money they make or what kind of car they drive or whether their lawn is prettier.

You are always choosing

Imagine somebody puts a gun to your head and tells you that you have to run 26.2 miles in under five hours or else he will kill you and your entire family .

That would suck

Now imagine that you bought nice shoes and running gear, trained religiously for months, and completed your first marathon with all of your closest family and friends cheering you at the finish line.

That could be potentially be one of the proudest moments of your life

When we are forced upon our will, It was one of the most terrifying and painful experiences of our life

You are wrong about everything

As a teenager, I told everybody that I didn't care about anything. When the truth was I cared about too much. Other people ruled my world without me even knowing. I thought happiness was destiny not and not a choice.

Well, I am always wrong about everything, over and over again, and that's why my life improves

Instead of striving for certainty , we should be in constant search of doubt : Doubt about our own belief doubt about our own feelings , doubt about what the future may hold for us unless we get out there and create it for our selves

I used to think the human brain was the most wonderful organ in my body . Then I realize who was telling this .

Our brain id designed to be efficient , not accurate

Evil people never believe they are evil rather they believe they believe that everyone else is evil

The more something threatens your identity the more you will avoid it


Improvement at anything is based on thousand of tiny failure , And the magnitude of your success is based on how many times you have failed at something . If someone is better than you at something That's likely because he has failed more times than you have If someone is worse than you at something likely because he hasn't been through all of the painful learning experiences you have .

"Do something principle"

If you are stuck any problem do not sit here and think about it , just start working on it . Even if you don't know what you are doing . The simple act of working will eventually cause the right ideas to show up on your head .


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