7 Tips For Mental Clarity

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mental clarity

 “Your mind is working at its best when you're being paranoid. You explore every avenue and possibility of your situation at high speed with total clarity.” ― Banksy, Banging Your Head Against a Brick Wall

This week I have brought 7 tips for mental clarity which may also help you guys. 

  1. Meditation: The First and foremost thing for mental clarity. Many of us would say that they do not have the time for meditation. Priority is important, when you prioritize meditation you can make time for that. Even If you do not manage to make time for the meditation, try to do this at least for 5 min. I personally at some point in my life thought meditation is wasteful but when I try to build the habit of meditating I realize that I  was wrong about that thought. Actually, meditation helps to clear the mental fog and it is highly recommended.
  2. Everyday Journal: Building the habit of writing is the most basic thing you can do for clearing your mental fog. Take a diary or notebook whatever you prefer. First, write down the date snd start writing down whatever your feelings are, how was your day, your thoughts. The moment when you write down that stuff will come out of your brain and the brought picture is after a certain time you can see what your feelings were back then.
  3. Proper Sleep: As Matthew Walker in the book "Why We Sleep" sleep has a great impact on our emotions. If we had proper sleep then we are more energetic over the day and simultaneously our mood also stays more stable. So, I think now we should add the fact of proper sleep in order to have peace of mind. If you want to know about how you can have healthy sleep Click here
  4. Be Mindful: Always be mindful of your feelings. Try to capture all the feelings you are going through all day keep a notebook and write down your particular feelings. It is one of the effective things you can do for your mental health. Most of the time we don't know our particular feeling is about what and what really we are going through. Being mindful and capturing your feelings will really help you to overcome that feeling.
  5. Do a "Morning Dump": This is a simple habit which is every morning you wake up write down 3 things you are grateful for, 3 things you are going to do to make the day great, 3 things let it go off, and then you can write your daily to-do list. I personally call this practice "Morning Dump". Here is my notion template for the morning dump. 
  6. Hydration: Try to drink enough water over the day. Many of you thinking about how hydration has an impact on our mentality. Trust me most of us do not have enough water which is a bad thing. Drinking a lot of water I can literally feel my skin glowing and genuinely that feels good and I feel better both mentally and physically so try that if it goes for you. It will also help your hair look and muscle to recover fast after your workout.
  7. Exercise: Try to exercise at least for 30 minutes. It doesn't have to be anything hard or any equipment. Just wake up early and have run outside. Move your body and get some oxygen in yours. Doing exercise will not only keep you fit but also will give you a mental boost.


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