You will die with regret and the reasons are ....


Life before death. Strength before weakness. Journey before destination.

This week I wrote about 10 reasons why people die with regret and they are

"People live every day. They only die once" a quote from the show " The Office" which I remember. Yet we wake up every day and not realizing that OH! I am having a new day. I am grateful for this. Then we just run for jobs, money, carrier and we all die of regret not doing something, not knowing what makes us happy. we should treat life as a journey not a race and it will make our life happier. Here I thought about 10 things why people "Die" with regret

  1. Ask yourself: People do not ask themselves what they really want from their future self. They do not talk to themselves about what they want to be in 2 to 3year's time. Remember that when you expecting nothing you are losing nothing. Find your interests. make decisions and stick to the plan. Over time you will see things happening and you will be proud of yourself.
  2. Retirement disbelief: It is popular disbelief that after a certain time they will get retirement and they will have the time to travel around the world. But everyone should have a vacation between their work so, travel before they lose energy to explore. Taking a break from work will dramatically increase your productivity. Also, it will recreate your soul and mind.
  3. Love what you do: When we love our work it doesn't feel like work it is then less stressful and as from the quote, we can enjoy the journey. At the end of the, it is not just earning more money it is to love what we do and we can be happy by loving our work. By loving our job it is now no more work for us it is a play for us. I saw many people regret their job because they didn't like their job even if some of them earned a lot. So, money doesn't always equate to happiness.
  4. Do anything you want: People are slaves to their jobs and external needs. There is such time when they want to go to the beach and see the sunset or they want to explore the world or want to give a nigh-off to do anything they want. Sadly, they can't do it for their jobs, works even sometimes they might escape something for having better grades in the exams. Do not be always slave to your external needs and sometimes do whatever you want. I know jobs come first, money makes sense. If it is possible to do then do it and you will suddenly feel good. trust me after a time it will be in your golden memories.
  5. Be mindful about what you are doing: We should be mindful of the things/work we are doing. Our life is small and time is limited. We can not do everything we want. We have to choose between things we do and we should be mindful about the stuff we are choosing to do and do not regret in the future for choosing that.
  6. Do not set goals: You heard it right. Many big mentors will say you to have goals or to set goals but goals are not that much important. Even I remember one of my high school teachers called my parents to ask "Why do not I have any goals?". Personally, I do not believe in goals like when you set a goal and hit a goal it just gives one-time dopamine and after some time it is gone then you feel nothing. Instead of setting up goals, we have to we should focus on the process at the same time as I said earlier we should enjoy the journey. First, set a goal and just forget about it and focus on the process.
  7. Come out of your comfort zone: Our brains are so likely to do the easier things. It is never want to do hard things. That's the reason we don't like to do Maths, our brain finds it hard to solve the equation if you do one math again and again then the brain is used to it. So, we have to come out of our comfort zone and make things happen to earn something. Our brain will always try to be in the comfort zone but we have to come out of the comfort zone in order to find happiness and meaning in our life.

(The simple thing you can do in order to come out of the comfort zone just wake up 1 hour earlier in the next morning)

  1. Explore: I think the whole happiness is vastly related to traveling and exploring more around the world. The more we go near nature the more we see life. We all almost spending half of the day sitting in front of the screen (including me writing this blog) and we barely make time to have a walk. I talk to many people who do not have the power or energy to explore around the world and they spent most of their (when they had the energy) running after money and now they regret the fact they did not explored a lot.

So, That's it. Hope you guys like this week's blog. You can follow me on Twitter: @sami05994659

See you in the very next weekend.


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